Church Covenant



Murfreesboro, Tennessee


Through the five functions of Prayer, Worship, Discipleship, Fellowship and Evangelism, we desire to bring people to experience an encounter with Christ resulting in an ongoing, maturing relationship with our Lord Jesus. (Matthew 28: 18-20)



One Church embraces the two great commandments and the one great commission.

1. To love the Lord your God with all your heart and mind and strength. Deuteronomy 6:5; Matthew 22:37

2. To love your neighbor as yourself. Leviticus 19:18; Matthew 22:39

3. To share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Matthew 28:19-20


III. MINISTRY FUNCTIONS (see the Five Functions of One Church)

A. Prayer B. Worship C. Discipleship D. Fellowship E. Evangelism



We affirm the Holy Scriptures to be our authoritative basis for all faith and practice and we affirm the Holy Scripture is without mixture of error. We affirm the Baptist Faith and Message as revised and approved in 2000, by the Southern Baptist Convention.



One Church is an autonomous and self-governing group, which voluntarily associates with the Southern Baptist Convention, the Tennessee Baptist Convention, and the Concord Baptist Association.



A. One Church will receive and maintain members in the following manners:

1. A personal faith in Jesus Christ for salvation and baptism by full immersion as a symbol of conversion; or

2. Transfer of letter from another Baptist Church; or

3. Statement of faith from another denomination with baptism by immersion;

and Completion of a membership process provided by the Pastoral Staff.

B. Voting and Meetings.

Every member shall have the right and privilege of voting at the annual Family Fellowship Meeting and at any other called or regular business meeting. Business meetings may be called by the Senior Pastor or by a majority vote of the Leadership Team with adequate notification to the Church. The annual Family Fellowship Meeting and all other business meetings shall be led by the Senior Pastor or another person designated by the Senior Pastor and Leadership Team. Those members present and voting at a properly called business meeting shall constitute a quorum of the membership for the transaction of business. Voting by proxy is prohibited. Absentee voting is allowed with provision.



A. Senior Pastor.

1. The Senior Pastor is recommended to the Church by a Pastor Search Team. The Pastor Search Team is comprised of two persons from the Leadership Team and four or more persons nominated by the Leadership Team and approved at a called business meeting for that purpose. The Senior Pastor is called by an 85% affirmative vote following his recommendation to the Church by the Pastor Search Team.

2. The Senior Pastor has the responsibility and authority to provide leadership in the areas of vision and strategic planning, daily operations, direction of Church ministries and supervision of Church employees. He may delegate authority as necessary. The Senior Pastor will provide leadership and supervision for the Pastoral Team and other Church employees.

B. Leadership Team.

1. The Leadership Team shall be comprised of six lay persons and the Senior Pastor. Lead Pastors of our campuses shall serve as ex-officio (non-voting) members of the Leadership Team. Lay members of the Leadership Team shall serve on a rotational basis for three years. This duration may be extended under extraordinary circumstances (such as a leadership change, building project, or pastoral transition). New Leadership Team members are nominated by the church, affirmed by the Leadership Team, and confirmed by the church at the annual Family Fellowship Meeting. The Senior Pastor serves as an on-going member of the Leadership Team and provides leadership for that team. The functions of the Leadership Team are: (1) Advisory to the Senior Pastor; (2) Accountability for the Senior Pastor; (3) Responsibility in financial matters and personnel matters.

2. The Leadership Team has the authority and responsibility for church direction and ministry decisions, including revisions of this Church Covenant. The Senior Pastor or Leadership Team may delegate responsibilities as needed through the formation of committees, teams, study groups or other entities.

C. Ministerial Staff and Support Personnel.

One Church shall employ such full-time staff as determined and confirmed by the Senior Pastor and the Leadership Team. The Senior Pastor is responsible for the search process for all staff. The Senior Pastor and Leadership Team are authorized to employ and/or dismiss full-time ministerial staff and other full-time support personnel. Part-time staff serve at the will and pleasure of the Senior Pastor.

D. Servant Ministry Teams.

Servant Ministry Teams are developed (e.g. deacons, missions, etc.) as necessary with the approval of the Leadership Team or the Senior Pastor. Servant Ministry Teams fulfill ministry functions in the life of the Church.

E. Treasurer.

One Church shall have a Treasurer who will assist the Pastoral Team and the Leadership Team in financial matters. The Treasurer will be responsible for signing checks for the Church. The Treasurer will not be an employee of the Church and serves at the discretion of the Leadership Team and the Senior Pastor. The Treasurer will be available to assist the Financial Secretary or other such persons who manage the finances of the Church.



Calvary Baptist Church, doing business as “ONE CHURCH”, is incorporated as a religious organization under the laws of the State of Tennessee. The Church will have its annual business meeting (called a Family Fellowship Meeting), in the first quarter of each year. The Leadership Team shall serve as the Board of Directors for the purpose of meeting legal and financial requirements.